AHHH!,I finally got on my truck a little!

From: Chris Lambert (mopar88@efortress.com)
Date: Wed Dec 20 2000 - 21:33:16 EST

129,500 out of the old premagger, that thing saw less that 25k easy miles
in it's life, all 3 people that ever drove that truck beat it profusely and
it loved it, before it developed some blow by and a blown head gasket i
managed to use less than a quart of oil every 3k miles... Oh and way to go
buddy... so is that addicting or what, my only thing when i let someone
drive my truck is just to keep it off the limiter because that is all i try
to do, i have to hit it once...


>Well people,My best friend came over today,and he hadn't seen my truck in a
>while.He asked me if he could see it,so I took the cover off of it.He asked
>if he could hear it since I got my exhaust dumped,so I somewhat unwillingly
>cranked it up.He asked if we could go for a ride,so I let it warm up for
>several minutes and we went for a little ride.He has always begged me to get
>on my truck at least once,just so he could feel how fast it was(remember he
>had a '92 and a '97 318 truck).So I found a clear side road and I stopped.I
>took of in first and wound it to about 3700,then barked the hell out of a
>secind and wound it to about 3900.At that point, I figured I had done enough
>abuse and I took it home and put it back under the cover.Do ya'll think I
>hurt anything by doing this? I hope not! I am now kind of worried about the
>long-term durability of my motor.How many of ya'll have seen 100,000+ out of
>a motor that you are hard on,or race?
>Will Coughlin willcoughlin@hotmail.com
>'00 reg.cab,2wd,4.7L/hd5-spd/3.92sg(9.25")

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