RE: RE: adjusting bands..

From: Jon Smith (
Date: Mon Jan 01 2001 - 19:46:02 EST

wouldn't the U joints affect torque specs though?

Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC

------Original Message-----
-From: owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET
-[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET]On Behalf Of Kenneth Berntsen
-Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 7:36 PM
-To: ''
-Subject: DML: RE: adjusting bands..
-Assuming its in the same place as the 46re I managed to do it
-using a couple
-U-Joint connectors and a small extension. Its a pain in the but and just
-about have to be a contortionist with your hands.
------Original Message-----
-From: Jon Smith []
-Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 5:44 PM
-To: Dakota-Truck@Buffnet.Net
-Subject: DML: adjusting bands..
-can anyone tell me HOW one gets to the kickdown band on the 46rh tranny? I
-went to tighten that sucker this weekend and WHOA NELLY is she buried!
-Looks like I'll have to drop the front driveshaft and possibly remove some
-of the linkages???
-Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC

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