I think it is a viable comparison within the same rpm range since they're
the same dyno...
Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC
-I'm sure Wayne will let me do that no problem. I'll try it the next
-time I'm there. Yes, the two dyno shops do the runs differently, but
-I think the comparison I made is still valid. I looked at other R/T
-runs on the Jax. dyno and they were all dropping off hp and torque
-past 4200, where my truck now increases up to 4600 and stays almost
-flat out to 5600.
-I'd like to get back to Belmont sometime and run on that dyno again,
-to get a real comparison back to my early runs.
-Terry Herrin
-99 FR CC RT
-14.425 @ 93.52, 258 rwhp
-Wilmington, NC
-Dakota R/T Club, Executive Board, SE Region
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