Its nic eto work at a machine shop. I had one off our EDM operators use a
bridgeport to mill of the top off the ridges and some of the base to make it
look neat. the polishing i did mysel because i do that for a living. ain't
it grand to use diamond compound and all i paid was a case of miller genuine
draft. hehehehe
99 r/c 318
flame red
>From: "Bernd D. Ratsch" <>
>Subject: RE: DML: RE: TB modifications
>Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:23:34 -0600
>One word of caution...if you've never done any porting work...don't try to
>modify the TB by yourself. All it takes is one slip with the
>to really screw up the bores. If you can, take the TB to a local machine
>shop and have them do the milling/grinding for you.
>(I do have experience porting/modifying carbs and heads so please be
>with the hand grinders on your TB' slip and $100+ later for a new
>- Bernd
>-----Original Message-----
>Subject: Re: DML: RE: TB modifications
>So I have a question... If smoothing out the throttle body makes such a
>good difference, how come they don't come that way out of the factory? I
>can understand it being too expensive to produce them with an ultra smooth
>finish, but couldn't they make 'em closer to what we're doing to them?
>are those ridges supposed to do anyway? Someone said they are
>over-engineered... For strength I assume? Or for sound baffling? More
>like Tod baffling...I can't figure it out. Is there some risk in taking
>them out?
>Anyway, this mod sounds like something I want to try.
>This list sure is expensive... I wasn't planning on doing any mods. Now I
>have a growing list of them...and I don't even *have* a Dakota yet! Twenty
>days since my order...and counting.... -Tod
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