I would strongly suggest that you indeed talk to the postmaster, as well as
the BBB, the FL state attorney general's office, and perhaps the FBI
reguarding interstate fraud (although they may pass the buck)
I've only had 1 instance of being burned by a DML'er in NJ. I kept after
him to keep his end of our deal, I finally contacted NJ and NC State Attn
Gen's office, his employeer (he had used company email and phone for
personal gains, so i felt justified) and was calling the FBI. I extended
him the curtousy of keeping him informed of my actions, as soon as he got
that email I had my goods the next day...
Hey Patrick, are you still lurking???
Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC
-so i guess im gettin fucked by him.
-i sent him a m.o. a few weeks ago for a set of wires and havent gotten a
-goddamn thing.
-does this include theft and mail fraud?
-if this is the case, then ive got a question for john steiger, why hasnt
-this person been banned from the list?
-if there is a history of him doing stuff like this, he dosent belong
-it was only $40, and it wont break me, but for just a little bit more, i
-could have ordered them from somewhere else and known that i would get
-its only the principle of the matter.
-flat out deception and theft.
-i thank the list for putting up with my little rant, and only wish to
-make 2 more points:
- karma is a fuckin bitch
-and, that i will be going out this afternoon to have a chat with a
-friend of mine from the post office about mail fraud.
--- - Brent - - I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up, - that's the best they feel all day. - W.C. Fields -
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