I'm thinking of having a get together of DML members in Madison,Wisconsin(my
home town),for a cookout & meeting other people
from the DML.
I think it would be great,if we could get Bernd to come and speak from the
pulpit,and share his Dakota knowledge with all of us.I think it would take
about 100 members to get him to come up here to Wisconsin.
Maybe we could even get SEMIHEMI01 to show up too)
i can hear it now...."Hail,Bernd....Hail,Bernd...Hail,Bernd"
>From: "Bernd D. Ratsch" <bernd@texas.net>
>Reply-To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>CC: "Dmlofftopic@Egroups. Com" <dmlofftopic@egroups.com>
>Subject: DML: RE: RE: Firewalls
>Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 13:56:45 -0600
>And yet another....
>"LeakTest was not prevented from connecting to the Gibson Research
>server. You either have no firewall, you have deliberately allowed
>LeakTest to connect outbound, or (if neither of those), LeakTest has just
>slipped past your firewall's "protection"!
>Well DUH...I allow all outbound traffic...it's INBOUND that really matters.
>(Cheap test if ya ask me.)
>BTW: Moving this thread to OffTopic.
>- Bernd
>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>Subject: DML: RE: Firewalls
>Check your vulnerability here http://www.grc.com and
David Digney
President-Wisconsin Chapter of the DML
List Moderator: "DodgeDakotaQuadCab@egroups.com"
SCWD Model Contest Chairman(South Central Wisconsin Division)
K&N Home-Brew,Dynomax Super Turbo,Mobil 1 10w30
"My Dodge Dakota Quad Cab Kicks Ass...Magnum Power!"
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