Re: AAMCO UPDATE (long again)

From: Mark Jackson (
Date: Sat Mar 10 2001 - 22:20:02 EST

Geez... call me old fashioned and vindictive, but I would drain the tranny
fluid out and let the tranny get ruined once a month and let them eat the
cost of fixing it for 11 months just before your warranty runs out.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom (Silver89)" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 7:56 PM
Subject: DML: AAMCO UPDATE (long again)

> Well here is what happened. I talked to my friends at NAPA, listened to
> what the DML had to say. (LOTS of very interesting info from everyone
> - thank your for taking the time to post your experiences!)
> And I went in to the aamco shop with a friend of mine who owns, operates
> and maintains 18 wheelers. We looked at the trans. And from what they
> showed us - the overdrive gears were chewed up - Literally. The teeth
> were mangled. For all I know though that was a part they had in the
> back of the shop. But I am certain it was real because of the problems
> I was having with the transmission. So then we went to talk about the
> price.
> When I signed the papers authorizing them to do the work, I was aware of
> the fact that other parts would cost extra. (Torque conv. and if the OD
> was bad) However (and I know it was my own fault for not requesting a
> detailed explanation of the possible extra charges) I had no idea that
> they would try to gouge me that badly. My friend and I went into the
> office (with the door left open to the main office area) And started
> talking. To make a long story short - here's the gist of what went
> down. We started off saying that we would have to take the truck out of
> the shop because the prices they were asking were way too high. The guy
> there says we cant do that, that I will still own him the base price of
> $969 + $292 for the torque converter. He stated that by signing the
> papers - that I as much owned the parts etc. And that the work was
> done. (funny thing was we just saw the transmission still apart and out
> of the truck!!)
> Then my buddy happened to read over the agreement - and this is what I
> signed.
> "AAMCO may operate this vehicle for the purpose of testing and delivery
> at my risk. I understand that if a torque converter and/or hard parts
> are required, the cost will be in addition to the base price of
> $969.75. I have the right to authorize the additional cost or request
> reassembly and reinstallation of the unserviced transmission for a labor
> charge of $395.00 which includes the cost of disassembly and
> examination." Dated on 3/6/01
> Now - this is the same guy that I have been dealing with since I took it
> into the shop on the 6th. He passed over that part when I first signed
> - and really confused me. I had to ask him to explain it twice. By this
> time - (this morning) I had actually forgotten about it. It was very
> lucky my friend noticed it. Because when he mentioned it to the sales
> person, he got pissed. All throughout the encounter today he was
> getting more and more irritated. HE said something about "yeah - you
> could refuse it - but only within an hour" Those weren't his exact
> words but that's basically what he said. Both my buddy and I laughed at
> that and said come on that's garbage. My friend said to him - nw you ar
> making things up. I said the the sales guy - how is it possible that I
> could refuse work that, in only one hour, that you didn't tell me I
> needed done until yesterday evening!
> He talked real fast and honestly I am having a hard time recalling
> everything that was said. (I have only had 5 hours sleep!) My friend
> then asked for a number so they could call to get some third party
> arbitration or such from aamco corporate. Because we were getting no
> where here. He the number and then started saying stuff about the
> people at that number won't help you - they don't care about your car or
> service etc... and my friend said well we'll see - may I use your phone
> to call them? At this point we were both still calm and rational. And
> the guy says no. We may not use the phone. My friend says why not? He
> says very little but says no. And then my friend started to get pissed
> and started saying you are an Aamco shop here and I cant call your
> number here? It says right on this invoice that I can call toll free
> for assistance etc. The sales guy says go home use your phone. My buddy
> says no - I want to call now! This exchange kept going on for several
> minutes which at the point where the sales guy bolts up from the chair
> (because he and my buddy are starting to yell now about the phone) and
> SLAMMS - I do mean slam - not just shuts - but slams the door to the
> office. There was another customer just a few feet away - turning white
> as s sheet - listening to what's going on and was probably second
> guessing his decision at bringing his car here LOL)
> Before the door slam (I think - it could have been after the door slam)
> He started giving some bull shit about - these engines will overheat
> without the over drive - that the overdrive was there to keep up fuel
> economy and to keep the engines from working to hard - that the valves
> will be ruined because the RPM are too high. He said no overdrive would
> ruin the engines. And made a lame excuse saying that years ago before
> the modern trans.'s that if an engine had 100,000 miles - you wouldn't
> buy that used car because the engine would be ruined! I stopped him at
> this point and got pissed myself. I said - just a minute sir - I may
> not know my transmissions - but I DO know my trucks! (This was Dakota
> Pride being attacked here!!!) I said if a non overdrive trans was in
> my truck - it would not hurt it.
> After we had beat him down and he realized that he wasn't going to get
> away with this - he caved. We settled on a price of $1650 for the trans
> to be completed. The standard warranty was 12 months. HE said he would
> give us a 6 month warranty!? Where did he get the authority to cut the
> warranty in half?? But when they tried to print it out - the computer
> wouldn't recognize it - and he said - eh - ok we'll give you 12 months.
> Well... <shew> I should have the truck Wensday. He promised that it
> would be done right.
> I do NOT plan to let this go without them coming under SOME reprimand.
> Anyone feel like taking up another consumer quest against Aamco? I want
> these bastards hung out to dry. This is serious price gouging.
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> "She has a face that would make an onion cry"
> Tom S.
> Site Updated - on 2/5/01
> 1989,V6,Auto,8 footer,4x2
> 1989,V6,Auto,8 footer,4x4 w/snowplow (woohoo!!)

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