Quad cab body lift

From: Kevin L. Miller (kmrcdd@swbell.net)
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 23:44:35 EDT

The Dak has been raised & got 300 miles on with no problems.
 this is just a summary of what was done & if anyone wants details I have
the info in more detail.
just email me of the list.
The main mod I had to do was the Steering extension. The 2000 steering box
has a rectangle shaped shaft approx .750 x .550 . shaping the male end was
no problem. The female end was much more of a job. took a couple hours . I
am checking the salvage yards for a factory piece to modify as the kit piece
is aluminum. I'm not too keen on that for safety reasons.
The outer front bumper brackets that I thought were missing have been
changed from whats on the instructions. The newer ones work -probably better
than the old , but still took quite a bit of adjusting
to get them on.
I just removed the lower part of the fan shroud for now. The brackets will
probably work , but new holes will have to be drilled
I'm not impressed with the supplied longer bolts. If you have nerf bars that
mount to via the cab bolts like mine, the kit bolts wont be long enough.
they just catch 1/4 inch of threads. I bought longer grade 8's to replace
those. The rest are OK for now
The transfer case linkage is different. The supplied piece to weld in is too
big. Not a big deal
The blocks are all OK . You will need 2 additional blocks & bolts(I have
some spares), as the kit is for a standard cab. The CC & QC have an
additional pair of cab mounts.
The fuel filler & vent hoses will reach.
The spare tire carrier is no problem
NOTE: something not mentioned in the instructions is the lower radiator
hose. Mine only had 1/4 inch clearance from the fan before lifting. I had to
adjust it to clear after lifting.
Thats it in a nutshell. It wasn't easy because of the mods, but knowing
those issues beforehand would make everything much easier. Overall I'm not
real impressed with the kit because of the price versus the quality of
parts. If the kit was more along the price for other kits (50-100$ ) it
would be OK. for 156.95 I expected the same quality bolts & such as the
originals. Anyway, It worked & I'd definitely tackle another one again.
email me off the list if you want the nitty gritty details & I'll offer
blocks & bolts that I have spare cheap first come first serve
2000 4x4 QC 4.7L auto SLT+ 3.55 LSD Skids ,K&N, MAAP Nerfs, SS bedrails
Catch-alls, Deflectors, 180 TS, Bosch +4's Mobil-1,Silblades, Wheelskins,
QuickD Intake 3" PA Body Lift

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