RE: 180 t-stat mileage numbers

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Sun Apr 08 2001 - 13:34:50 EDT

Hehehehehe....and for those who know it won't affect mileage: "I Told Ya
So" ;)

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET
[mailto:owner-dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET]On Behalf Of Andy Levy
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 11:51 AM
Subject: DML: 180 t-stat mileage numbers

Well, I managed to prove all the naysayers wrong (none of whom are on
the DML). Everyone not on the DML who I talked to about putting the 180
t-stat in said it would kill my gas mileage.

Thanksgiving weekend '99 - End of March '00 - 12.79 MPG
T-stat install (weekend before Thanksgiving '00) through end of March
'01 - 12.786 MPG

This year I had 100+ pounds MORE sand in the bed, and in January got the
BFGs which caused my calculated mileage to drop, as my odometer and
speedometer read 4.316030267125w. The mods I added between the 2 timeframes
(intake, fan, TB, tonneau) certainly helped though.

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