Re: CB stuff (was: Center console power mod)

Date: Sun Apr 08 2001 - 17:59:57 EDT

In a message dated 4/8/01 3:48:49 PM Central Daylight Time,

<< Why? Do you do
 long distance stuff? And if so, why not get a ham license if you don't
 already have one and use ham equipment? Or is it just a power trip thing?
 And if so, again, I'm not knocking it. I just don't get it. >>

I already have my ham liscense, I just like to pick on the guys on the 11m
band. ;) You should see my Father's base station for 11m, we have four
multi-tube linears in a row and transmit all that out a set of stacked 5's.
We do alot of long distance talking. The main reason I have that much power
in my truck is so I can get away from chan 19 and talk on 11m down to my
parents in Jackson. It is a whole lot cheaper than paying the phone bill! i
have tried to get my Dad to get a no code ham license, but he doesn't like
all the rules for trans (station call, quiet time, etc...) and since 11m
doesn't really follow those rules anymore, we just talk on the 11m. Our
usual channel is 38 on the 11m band and if it is busy, we switch to the usb
of 38. If you are ever on that freq and here us garbling, switch to the usb
and give us a holler. My handle is Motor Mouth and my Father goes by Salt

Oh yeah, if you want a nice online store to buy good radios (10m converted to
11m) check out That is the shop that I buy alot of stuff
from. The person you want to talk to is Mailbox. He is a long time family
friend. Tell him Salt Shaker and Motor Mouth (Ross Hall and William Hall)
referred you. Their radios may cost a little (maybe 5 bucks) more, but trust
me, it is well worth it as they only use the best components.


"You better hope there is intelligent life out there somewhere,
 Cause I think we got cheated down here on Earth!"

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