Re: How do I figure out which differential I have?

From: Jon Smith (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2001 - 15:30:57 EDT

You can check the build sheet (under hood on a '93) which should list the
axle options... or you can jack up the rear and check it. There *should*
be a tag on the diff cover that'll tell you the ratio. If not, make a mark
on the driveshaft and one on the tire. Turn the tire (counting the tire
revolutions) until the driveshaft makes 1 full rotation. As far as the
posi, you can do the spin 1 tire thing, but that doesn't always work...

I've always hung 1 tire off the road and floored it, you'll QUICKLY know if
you have posi or open... although this method is kinda rough on the posi
clutches :)

n 2001.04.09 15:18 Alek Benedict wrote:
> I think I remember a thread awhile back about how to tell which
> rear differential your truck has, but I can't find it in the archives.
> IIRC it had something to do with a nameplate on the diff itself.
> Does anyone know how to tell? I've a sudden curiousity regarding what
> the gear ratio in my truck is.
> Thanks folks.
> --
> Alek Benedict with a techno beat.

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