Re: 5 speed problem

From: Crit Bennett (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 23:31:05 EDT

You want double clutching? Well do you, punk? I'll give you double
clutching. :)
  The synchronizers in your transmission basically act like a clutch for each
gear (except reverse, which is why it grinds if you don't let the tranny spin
down). As you put pressure on the the shifter, the synchros engage, spinning
up the input shaft so that your gears are going the same speed and can be
engaged. When upshifting, the synchros slow the input shaft, but so do normal
frictional losses in the tranny and oil, so it's not typically a
consideration. Rather than pushing against the syncros at high speed, you can
double-clutch the truck as well, which is what one learYou ns when living with
tired syncros. As the syncronizers wear, they'll start to sing as you push
into gear, but I digress... Rather than using the synchros to spin up the
input shaft when downshifting, which wears them considerably, you can put the
shifter into neutral and release the clutch, rev the engine to the approximate
RPM that it'll be at when you shift, push in the clutch and shift. You have to
do this quickly and with practice though, because the input shaft will slow as
soon as you release the clutch. You can get it in one fluid motion with a
little practice and save some synchro life, along with saving yourself the
dreaded lurch (unsettling to women in the cab, in my experience) associated
with engaging the clutch with an engine at 600 rpm and a drivetrain trying to
do 70.


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:28:39 -0400
From: "Chris Lang" <>
Subject: Re: DML: 5 speed problem

I just went out and tested it and it wont go into gear even when the truck
is stopped and off. Its gotten worse in the past few days to where its at
the point if I put it into 3rd it as soon as I let the clutch out it pops
out of gear and if I hold the stick there it will then grind the gear and
eventually pop in, this happens on both the upshift and downshift. I've got
an appointment at the dealer on Wednesday so for now I'm just trying not to
drive anywhere and if I do not to use third gear. What exactly is double
clutching? I've heard the term before but I'm not sure what it means...

01 RC 4x4 V8 5 speed minus 3rd


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