At 11:24 PM 5/5/01 -0400, you wrote:
>anywho, inspected my truck today, for shits n giggles I ran emissions on
>it. Keep in mind, heads, cam, M1, IAT box set to 40degrees, cold motor
>(sitting for ~8hrs) blah blah, oh yeah, no cat :)
>CO passed with flying colors, HC's failed slightly..... I believe kickin
>it around the block for a few minutes and setting the IAT box hotter would
>have made it pass. Jon Smith
I took my '97 in last Thurs. for a 'training mode' test and got similar
results except
it did just pass the HCs. Training mode is where the clean air test is done
but no official results are sent in. I wanted to see what readings I would
get to see if I had to remove the MPI intake for the real test next March.
Except for a milder cam, no headwork nor IAT box (IAT just in open air),
my mods are similar to Jon's i.e. full-race mode.
25 mph test results:
Reading Max. Allowed
NO ppm 34 615
CO % .13 .32
HC ppm 58 58
FWIW, I took my '96 3.8L Grand Caravan in Wed. for the real test (had
put in a bottle of CRC Guaranteed to Pass the prior week) and got
a 0% reading for CO. Must have worked :-)
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