RE: Mike very long rant!

From: Kenneth Berntsen (
Date: Wed May 09 2001 - 13:43:41 EDT

I know this is some what off topic but let me enlighten every one here. The
reason the gas prices keep going up is because there isn't the refinery
capacity to produce the gasoline we all want here in the US. Here in
Houston there used to be a bunch of smaller independent refiners who were
basically regulated out of business. They couldn't afford to make necessary
changes to the plants they owned so they sold them to one of the larger
refiners. The larger refiner decided to scrap the plant because of the cost
involved to update the plant. Now, its so incredibly expensive to build a
new plant (Thanks to the EPA and other governmental regulations) that no one
wants to take on that task. It appears that our only option now is to
import the finished refined gasoline product from Saudi Arabia. So much for
self reliance.

Oh yeah! Dak Content... Our Daks run on Gas. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: dakotaviper []
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: DML: Mike very long rant!

I agree with everything that you say in your recent
post. You should see the check I got from my
investment in exxon the other day. Keep paying those
high gas prices everyone. Man what a large check. If
the price goes up to $10.00 a gallon, watch the money
roll in. But, since I live in FARM country, what else
will go up in price. While mine and everyone else's
wages stay the same or get cut. Big delimma there,
isn't it! I've got a friend that is an Oil Rig
Driller. He's home on vacation. The last 11 wells
that he has helped drill; all but 1 was capped after
they started producing. 10 were capped because of our
governments plan to save as much oil as possible in
our national reserves. The one that wasn't; well it
was drilled on an Indian Reservation in Arizona. My
friend works for an Oil Drilling Company out of
Houston, Texas. Now, look back into your history. Do
you recall that little war we were in back in 1991.
The countries that we sent good men and women over to
protect from a tyrant; are the same ones that are
shafting us will lower oil supplies. Figure that one
out on your own.

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