"Shawn Bowen" <Shawn@bowen.com> wrote:
: Shane (and everyone else),
: I've been doing some serious reading on the SEFI8LO system. It looks for
: all intents and purposes to truly be a BAD ASS system. Now, does anyone
: know how this system would interact with other on board functions
: (transmission, rev limit's, among others)??? It is a complete bypass
: replacement all out fully customizable EFI system, but what about the other
: items in the truck I'd be by passing? It's great I can customize a fuel
: curve from 0 to xxxx RPM, but what about shift points, rev limits, bla, bla?
The rev limit I'm sure is programmable in the SEFI8LO; if not, most any
aftermarket ignition box worth its salt will allow you to set a rev
limit (either out of the box or via an add-on unit). As far as shift points
go, I'm assuming you're referring to a computer controlled tranny, in which
case, I don't know. :-) Convert that bad boy to a manual valve body. :-)
: Shane (or anyone else):
: Whats the best price you have been able to find these boxes for??? Just
: curious.
Its been a while since I was looking, but I seem to recall they were
about $2500-3000. That's with the wide band O2 sensor option, which IMHO,
is about 8016030267125f the reason for switching to aftermarket EFI in the first
place. :-) I wouldn't even consider one without it.
I've been drooling over the SEFI8LO for quite a while now, and for almost
as long, I've been waiting to hear about Accel's Gen 7 DFI. It is supposed
to also have the wide band O2 sensor capability, but should be considerably
less expensive than the SEFI8LO. Apparently, it is out, but I haven't seen
any real details yet. I have been able to find out that its got a windows
based interface (for programming and such) which is nice, and there is
some info on Accel's web site, but I'm still missing some key info, mainly
the price! :-)
.---- Jon Steiger ------- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -----.
| Affiliations: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA; Rec & UL Pilot - SEL |
| '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly 447 |
`------------------------------------------ http://www.jonsteiger.com ----'
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