Shane (and everyone else),
I've been doing some serious reading on the SEFI8LO system. It looks for
all intents and purposes to truly be a BAD ASS system. Now, does anyone
know how this system would interact with other on board functions
(transmission, rev limit's, among others)??? It is a complete bypass
replacement all out fully customizable EFI system, but what about the other
items in the truck I'd be by passing? It's great I can customize a fuel
curve from 0 to xxxx RPM, but what about shift points, rev limits, bla, bla?
What I REALLY dig is that I can rip it out of the Dak and put it in the
Neon that I'm gonna build to pull 7's, HA. Seriously, I do like the fact I
can use it in a later vehicle, and seriously I'm gonna hop up a DOHC Neon
eventually just to make the rice burners have a brain cramp as to what
happened when my little bullet breaks the sound barrier going past them;-).
Shane (or anyone else):
Whats the best price you have been able to find these boxes for??? Just
98 5.2L 4x4 CC
> > On Mon, 14 Feb 2000, Shane Moseley wrote:
> > [...]
> > > > There is no MAF conversion for our
> > > > engines(nor is any probable). The best you could get at this time is
> > > > custom programming to suit the mods you have.
> > >
> > > I disagree big time here. It is true - as we all have seen - that
> > > programming can better suit the mods you have...BUT its so dang
costly! (and
> > > legal? I dunno bout that) $400-$600 every time I decide to mod my
truck??? No
> > > Way! Just buy an aftermarket system ($400 on up if you shop Ebay and
the swaps)
> > > and make the changes yourself everytime you mod it. If you really
want the cats
> > > arse - look into FP-performance's SEFI8LO system from the Fel-Pro
people. That
> > > system is truly awesome (read: costly 8-)
> >
> > Shane,
> >
> > Do you have any info about the SEFI8LO? I first heard about it in a
> > magazine that someone (Peterson?) did about fuel injection, and I knew
> > immediatly that its exactly what I've been looking for.
> >
> Not much more than that. That particular magazine was chock full of
excellent EFI
> info wasn't it? I've seen other rags rant and rave about the SEFI8LO but
not much
> more info than that issue you speak of. Most people cant possibly
comprehend the
> benefits to dialing-in any air/fuel ratio for each individual cylinder for
any rpm
> (and this is just a small part of what this system can do). Not to
mention what it
> can do with power adders like N2O. This is truly remarkable. Light years
ahead of
> ANY previous EFI system.
> >
> > Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out exactly what is
> > going on with it. It seems like it was developed by a couple of people,
> > and then was bought by Fel-pro? But the last time I checked, the demo
> > program on their web site still listed the old company's name???? I've
> > been a bit wary of it for that reason. I want to be sure I can get
> > support and such.
> Was it in Ashland, MS? Believe me - you dont have to worry here. LOTS of
the big
> guys in IHRA and NHRA are trading in their existing systems and buying
into SEFI8LO.
> > Probably the biggest reason I like the SEFI8LO is
> > the fact that it can use a wide range O2 sensor to run at closed loop
> > 100% of the time. I love that you can just plug in a target A/F ratio
> > and the computer will do all the work for you. Although I do plan
> > to plug in some sane static values, that feature alone will probably
> > save me a load of cash since I don't need to tune on a dyno. For my
> > personal situation, if a system can't do closed loop at all throttle
> > positions, I'm not interested, because I won't be able to afford the
> > dyno time. I want something I can tune at home, by myself.
> Closed loop is nice if you can control everything for sure. Closed loop
around 14.7
> A/F sucks tho 8-)
> >
> > I have heard rumors that Accel has come out with a system in their
> > DFI line that will do 100% closed loop also, but I haven't been able to
> > dig up any solid info yet.
> I have read about that one a little also. It still is orders of magnitude
behind the
> SEFI8LO system tho.
> >
> > By the way, the wide range O2 sensors are pretty expensive in
> > but back when I was researching the SEFI8LO, the general consensus was
> > that it used a sensor from one of the Honda VTEC motors, which was set
> > up with a wide range ("lean burn") O2 sensor. Since that sensor was
> > mass produced, it can be had for $130 or so. Still expensive, but
> > a bargain when you compare it to $600-$800.
> >
> > I *will* be using an aftermarket EFI system on my Dak; the only
> > question is when will I be able to save up enough money? :-)
> > (I'm hoping to keep the total cost below $2K. If I can do it for
> > $1K, I'd be ecstatic.)
> >
> OK - here it is - how about this theory: I'm not gonna go into much
detail about the
> existing system - suffice it to say that it spends like 90+ percent of the
time in
> closed loop (around 14.7 a/f ratio for emissions sake). We only get open
loop when
> cold (first minute or so of operation) and WOT. So 90+ percent of the
time the O2
> sensor is controlling almost EVERYTHING. This is what kills our mods -
for example,
> if at 2500rpm with some MAP, some temp, etc. the injectors are pulsed for
> (guessing - bear with me) in order to get to the "magic" 14.7:1. Now I
add 24#
> injectors and back to 2500rpm with same MAP reading, same temp reading,
etc. the
> injectors are now pulsed for 2.9ms to get to the magic 14.7. Did I gain
anything? No
> - same amount of fuel. OK I change the fuel pressure - same results, less
time open.
> Ok so we start changing the breathing capabilities with heads, cam,
> This helps and feels stronger during closed-loop but at WOT what happens?
Jon, I know
> you and Will and TomF and several others know (yes, I've been lurking that
long 8-)
> but for the sake of the list I'm going thru all this - bear with me 8-)
At WOT the
> computer goes open loop and ignores the O2 sensor reading instead the
built-in tables
> for what that injector pulsewidth should be at 2400rpms, same MAP reading,
same temp
> reading, etc. Well, now we risk going lean because it pulls that factory
3.5ms (or
> whatever) but because we have enhanced the breathing so much - thats not
enough fuel -
> burn city - oops! Damn computer is limiting us.
> Ok on to the theory - suppose we put in a 160 thermostat (or whatever is
less than the
> magic temp) which wont allow the engine to reach the magic threshold that
tells the
> computer that it has warmed up now - its ok to go closed loop. O2 sensor
isnt a
> problem now and ALL the time we are reading from that built-in map.
Built-in map -
> thats constant! Using EGT sensors or a wide-band O2 sensor - cant we
basically make
> the motor do pretty much ANYTHING we want? Just up the fuel pressure or
> injectors to match the extra breathing at ALL rpms? Sounds good - at
least part of
> it. That dang 160 degrees stands out like a sore thumb tho. Cant imagine
much power
> with a cold motor. Have you noticed that some of those 12s trucks run 160
> thermostats? Will this work or Where is it falling apart? Any ideas?
> Enjoying this,
> Shane
> --
> '96 IndyRam w/lots of mods (mine)
> '96 IndyRam w/lots of options (wifes) - also a numbered (#142) "Track
> '74 Triple-Black Dodge Challenger Rallye 360 home-brew EFI R&D vehicle
> '68 Black Corvette Convertible 427 (For Sale)
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