Re: Exhaust Question- Help!

From: Bob Tom (
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 07:47:28 EDT

At 01:21 AM 5/17/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Today I noticed, what looked like water, dripping from two places on the
>exhaust. One was from the spot where the tailpipe connects to muffler and
>the other was further up where the pipe connects to another pipe going to the
>catalytic converter (think that is what you call it).
>I usually get drips of water coming from the exhaust tip, but not from these
>areas. Is this normal? Should I be worried?
>Thanks to all in advance.
>'00 SLT+ QC V6 3.9 4x2 Driftwood
>Gibson Exhaust, Quick D Intake & Throttle Body

Water from the exhaust tip is normal for a short time after startup.
Water from the two places that you mentioned isn't. I have a Gibson
and chose to have it welded at these positions. After a few years,
I noticed a pin hole in the muffler/tailpipe weld (black carbon will form
around it). The other weld is still okay.

Take a look (with magnifying glass if possible) at these two places.
I sealed the hole using a product called Liquid Metal by MotorMaster
(don't know if it's available in the States ... something similar should

The only other place water should be coming from is the muffler if
it has been drilled at its lowest spot (some manufacturers did do this).

HTH. Bob

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