could it run any worse? =( I need *YOUR* help =)

From: Wes Weems (
Date: Tue Jul 17 2001 - 01:44:16 EDT


I must have the most problematic dakota of all of us... which is amazing
becuse my dak has 68k or so miles on it.. which is more than some but less
than prolly a lot of the daks out htere.

Its running like crap, and I wondered if there was anything I can
check/replace/repair/etc besides these.

gutless, pings... slow acceleration doesnt sound as loud as it used to be
(mind you, I got 2 chamber flomasters on it)

1997 Dakota Sport 4x4 with a 3.9l v6.

I've done the following since I've owned it
replaced cap and rotor, had the spark plug wires replaced and re-routed...
put the 3923 plugs in it.. replaced timing chain, replaced belly pan gasket
(I am pretty sure that sucker wont leak again =) New map, and o2 sensor
(should I replace the rear o2 sensor?) I know the dakota is the best
looking truck of its class, but I also gota say... I want this problem
solved once and for all I dont care if its the fastest truck on the planet
but running somewhat good would be nice...

I am up to any suggestions of sensors to test (even though the sensor test
revealer my o2 sensor as being fine, but in fact it wasnt)

thanks so much ahead of time

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