Re: Vacuum problem, y2k Dak

From: Jim Miller (
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 00:56:16 EDT

You probably have a vacuum leak or a check valve in or near the reservoir that
is bad. Also deceleration is limited for a few seconds when you release the
throttle. this is part of the emission control system and normal.

Curt Coulter wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem:
> With the speed control set, as it needs to add throttle to maintain speed on
> a hill, it seems like there is a loss of vacuum and the air control for the
> heat-A/C blower seems to switch to defrost.. as the speed is attained, and
> throttle is backed off, the blower switches back to whatever setting it was
> on before..
> Recently it's also started acting funny when engine breaking. After about 5
> seconds of engine breaking, it will suddenly become much more efficient,
> almost like I've kicked on a jake brake. I'm guessing this to be a vacuum
> problem as well, thinking perhaps there is a vacuum controlled diaphragm or
> something that's taking a while to close..
> This is a y2k QC 4.7 5spd 4x4 slt+
> Getting ready to take it in to the dealer for the seat belt bolt recall, the
> above issues, backup lights that sometimes refuse to come on, and an issue
> where occasionally neither remote transmitter will lock/unlock the truck,
> and then 10 minutes later they work fine. Thought maybe if someone had been
> through these vacuum issues I could point them in the right direction...
> /Curt
> Chelsea, MI

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