The reason you go with a roller rocker set-up is to reduce friction in your
engine. Reduced friction results in lower oil temps, and quicker valve train
movement coupled with small horsepower improvements with the 1.6, and up to
24 horses with the 1.7's. Now if after you make the change your fuel mileage
should improve because of the reduced friction in your engine, However, the
improved throttle response along with the extra horsepower will most likely
have you tipping into the throttle just a little deeper for a little longer
to enjoy the horsepower thrill hence lower fuel mileage!
The change only has benefits if you go with either ratio, and you do the job
right, Enjoy
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <dakota-truck@BUFFNET.NET>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2001 20:15
Subject: DML: Roller Rockers
> I have a question for the guys who have installed roller rockers. I am
> to get rollers for my 98 dak but with driving a sizeable distance to work
> back every day I need to be somewhat gas conscious. I am essentially stock
> am looking to go with a 1.7 roller rocker (over the 1.6 stock rocker). Any
> you guys who have done this install, can you tell me if you are happy with
> gains and what impact has the roller rocker had on gas consumption.
> -------------------------------------------------
> Sent through Cyberbuzz- A Server for the Students
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