Check the large negative cable that should go to the engine block somewhere.
Also there should be 1 or more ground wires from the engine to the chassis. wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I was doing some work on the truck the other day when I noticed that the
> batery ground wire (Red wire that goes from the neg terminal to the body
> panel that the hood latch bolts to) was steaming off the WD-40 that I had
> just squirted on it. I touched the bolt that holds it into the panel and it
> was so hot it burned my fingertip (don't worry guys I'm ok). Anyways I was
> wondering what might be causing this. I'm not much of an electrical guy so
> any suggestions would be great. For all I know this is normal, I just can't
> remember it ever being that hot.
> John S
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