New Scan Tool: Trouble codes = New coil/ignitiion system?

From: Ken Allgood (
Date: Wed Nov 07 2001 - 19:56:45 EST

Ok, so I got my Tricom scan tool yesterday. WOOHOO!! I've already put this
baby to test on my friends 96 ranger cause he had a MIL. Found the code,
found the problem, and I turned off his MIL. cool! Get it hooked up on
mine, because i've had intermittent MIL code, even though it's currently
off.. Guess what, got 2 codes:

1) P0351 (Ignition System or Misfire): Ignition Coil A Primary/Secondary
Circuit Malfunction
2) P0138 (Fuel and Air Metering): O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage (Bank 1
Sensor 2)

Dakota: 97 CC SLT 5.2L Mods: 180 t-stat, Quick-D intake, Hypertech
PCM, Gibson Cat-back

Problem #1: Sounds like my ignition coil? If so, what's the best one to go
with? Might be a good idea to do Coil, wires, etc??

Problem #2: Sounds like 2nd O2 sensor going out (1 was replaced a year
ago). How difficult is it to replace the sensor? Anyone know which one the
Sensor 2 is?

Thanks for the help... Oh yeah, anyone else got their scan tool yet?
loving mine!! found out my speedo is 2mph off.. going 37mph when needle
says i'm doing 35... oops!

Ken Allgood
97 cc SLT 5.2L

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