position 8 of the VIN will be a 'Z' if there is a 5.9 in the truck. The VIN
will not necessarily tell if it's an R/T. But the educated DMLers here
should be able to determine the rest.
-----Original Message-----
From: Donald Mallett <maldbnsf@charter.net>
To: dakota-truck-moderator@bent.twistedbits.net
Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: DML: Quad cab 3.9 R/T...yes,well...
>With all this talk about "fake" R/Ts, In the VIN number is there one letter
>or number that says "Yes I'm a real R/T from the factory? I'm not putting
>down anyone's extra work they have done to the Dak here.
>Don Mallett
>Y2K QC 4.7L Auto SLT+
>*----------Every minute in your Dodge is a minute worth living.----------*
>In article <26.1fe067fb.29486442@aol.com> , Puddlestompa@aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 12/11/2001 7:36:24 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>> dodgedakotaquadcab@hotmail.com writes:
>> << Until someone tries to peel off the Dakota 3.9 R/T badging,its an R/T.
>> careful
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