RE: Black Magic fans

Date: Tue Dec 18 2001 - 11:16:20 EST

Check the archives from summer of this year. I had overheating problems with
the BM150 in my 98 5.2L 4X4. Several others reported the same problems. The
fan seems to be great on the V6's, but not on the V8's. This shouldn't be
the case if you went with dual fans, but the 150 just doesn't cut it on the

John <>

>Hey, I've been looking around for a fan for my truck as the 318 will be
>ready to go in about a month from now. For the price of a new fan, I can
>get an electric fan or a good flex fan. What are your opinions on cooling
>options? I'm going to use the stock v6 radiator for now but hopefully
>be gone before winter comes to an end. Where are the cheapest places for
>fans? Any group buys around?

>I'd like to hear your opinions,

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