I did it so that I wouldn't have to worry about compressing the shocks by hand to get them to fit. As it turned out, I had to pull them open, and it wasn't that big a problem.
But how in the world did you change front shocks without taking the wheels off? And if you did take the wheel off, how did you do it w/o a jack & jackstand?
"A. S." <adakota4x4@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, why do you need to put the truck on jackstands? I
> replaced all 4 of my shocks a few months ago without using a jack or
> jackstands and didn't have any problems.
> --Aaron--
> 95 DSRC 4x4 V6
> www.geocities.com/adakota4x4_95/
>>From: andylevy@yahoo.com
>>Reply-To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>>To: dakota-truck-moderator@bent.twistedbits.net
>>Subject: Re: DML: Shocks 2
>>Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 23:03:45 +0000 (UTC)
>>No lift needed, just a way to get the truck up on jackstands. I put the
>>whole rear up on stands to do those, then each corner I did individually.
>>"Robert Pruyne" <tcp4me@attbi.com> wrote:
>> > Also what is involved in changing them? Do I need a lift?
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