Why Some AZ's suck, and some don't

From: Gary Hedlin (ghedlin@theramp.net)
Date: Sun Mar 31 2002 - 02:03:46 EST

I did a little research tonight.... I have a freind who works at Auto Zone.
I showed him a few of the posts you've guys put up, and he explained why
some stores suck, and some don't...

It all boils down to the regional managers, they make most of the general
store operation decisions, and then report to coroprorate with their "bottom
lines" If corporate doesn't feel the regional manager is meeting the
status-quo, they just hire a new one.

The regional managers are kinda in two camps- the profitability camp and the
customer satisfaction camp. Each must report to headquarters with
individual store profit reports and customer satisfaction reoprts. If a
regional manager has a high profit margin, and a low customer service
rating, corporate thinks he's doing a good job. But the weird thing is if
a regional manager has a marginal profit margin, but a good customer service
rating... well, thats good too.

The problem is there is no deffinite "this is good and this is bad" You
have different regional managers with different standards. The
"bottom-line" managers will have employment policies that will hire under
qualified employess for minimum wage just so the bottom line looks better.
However the "customer service" managers will hire qualified people, who know
their stuff, in order to gain a good customer service standing. (these
managers make more money for coroprate in the long run)

...So thats it in a nutshell.

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