As Jon said, it depends a lot on the year. For '98s and up, I do know
that the speed is picked up from the sensor mounted on the rear pumpkin
and the adjustment must be made in the computer (specifically, the CABS,
or Controller, ABS). There is a table pre-loaded in the computer that
tells the system how many tire revolutions per mile; the dealer can ONLY
make adjustments insofar as to tell the computer which of these values
to use; there are only 4 or 5 factory tire sizes.
If you're using a non-factory tire size (remember, this outside
circumference, not the measurements on the sidewall), you'll need a
"black box" that will correct the signal. These go for about $40 IIRC;
I think Bernd knows where to get one.
Jack Snodgrass wrote:
> Anyone know what is involved in recalibrating the speedometer
> when your tire size changes signifigantly? How much does
> it cost and what do they have to do? Can you do this yourself,
> or do you have to take it to the dealer?
> Thanks - jack
-- -andy Maintainer, DML FAQ - '99 CC 4x4 318 auto
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