Re: RE: RE: RE: girlfriend

From: kevin reimer (
Date: Thu Sep 19 2002 - 20:41:39 EDT

Some people dont get it... Men need a hobby besides sitting in a chair in
front of the TV and drinking beers all night long, Sheesh I think older
women seem to think that our generation should be alot like theres when they
were our age and growing up.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tim Althoff <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: DML: RE: RE: RE: girlfriend

> well, I know the feeling! I started dating my, now, fiancée when we were
> (freshman year of high school). Her parent don't like me as well, but
> don't go to that level, as in your case... The thing that kills me is I
> A NICE GUY! Straight as an arrow and work my ass off at a great job while
> going to school. they just don't talk to me when I come to pick her up
> lives at home as well). All I can say is talk to your girlfriend, make
> she knows what's going on...the only thing that I can say is to do what is
> in your heart... (I'll email you privately)
> BTW I know they just have a problem with my truck! or the money I spend on
> it...guess I am supposed to sit on my ass all night long.... :(
> Tim Althoff
> 99 SY 3.9 5-Speed 'Customized' RC Dakota
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Rick Barnes
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: DML: RE: RE: girlfriend
> Find a new chick...
> Rascal
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ronald Wong
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 8:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: DML: RE: girlfriend
> Well, first off, I assume all of the women have known you since the ripe
> old
> age of 14. Question is: what did you do in your immature years that
> showed
> off the wrong side of you? This is assuming they didn't find something
> wrong with you right off the bat (maybe they don't like the way you
> look...
> Without knowing the women it's really hard to predict what
> will overcome the problem and what won't. If you really like (love) her
> she'll come around....unless she's really attached to Mom and Grandma.
> The
> other thing, she's 19, she basically can do what she wants....unless
> (back
> to the last sentence).... You might try going over and talking to the
> Mom
> and Grandma in person (providing they don't own guns and are
> sharpshooters
> :-( ). Good luck, I don't know what to tell you without knowing
> more....and I don't think the DML is the place for this conversation.
> Ron
> 00 PB SLT QC 4X2 5.9 46RE 3.92 LSD
> For modifications see my DML Profile (URL follows)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Danny L.
> Burrows
> Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 3:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: DML: girlfriend
> This is off topic as hell but I need some advice either way. I am 19
> years old first off, and the girl is 19
> also. She still lives with her parents. She is my girlfriend, ummm she
> has
> liked me since I was 14 or so. For some
> reason her parents hate me and when I call they always tell me she is
> not
> home. Well I had someone else call and ask
> for her, and guess what, she was home. What the hell do I do about this
> type
> of thing? The only time I get to talk
> to her is when she can find a pay phone when she is away with her
> parents.
> She has a job and works alot so that
> makes it hard for us to stay in contact also. I would REALLY like it if
> someone told me what to do. And before
> anyone says that I should talk to her parents... I tried it and they
> just
> hang up. The parents are her mom and
> grandmother. GREAT I HAVE TO DEAL WITH 3 WOAMN!!!, counting my gf, lol.
> What Does Danny Do?

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