brake problems (again)...need help!!!

From: Tim Althoff (
Date: Tue Sep 24 2002 - 19:48:06 EDT

well, as some of you know I have had nothing but problems with my brakes.
and the story continues! just last week I replaced my rotors (w/
powerslots), rebuilt calipers, and new hawk pads (directly from hawk). I
broke them in all last week (didn't drive it to work and all that). They
worked great and was really excited thinking I fixed the problem for the
final time. Finally, today I felt comfortable enough to take my truck to
work and what do you know, they are chattering again! When I use my brakes
to slow down, the chatter when I speed up and when I stay under 30mph. Now
I have had 4 previous pads on this truck and had problems. finally said
screw raybestos and bought these hawk pads. this is my second set of rotors
and first time for rebuilt calipers.

The brakes only do it when they get hot. if I sit at a long light and don't
press on the break they don't chatter. Any help would be great, thanks!

I know when I replaced everything I did it as good if not better than any

Tim Althoff
99 SY 3.9 5-Speed 'Customized' RC Dakota

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