RE: last Sniper Victim

From: Rick Barnes (
Date: Wed Oct 16 2002 - 08:16:22 EDT

Ray, sorry to be off topic, but your lesson in history certainly does
not pertain to American history.
WE do not call our selves a democracy, unless YOU do. A democracy is 3
wolves and a sheep voting on dinner....majority, (mob) rule. That is
why the word "democracy" appears NO where in any of our founding
documents INCLUDING the Articles of Confederation NOR the Constitution
of the United States NOR in the Constitution of a single State. Our
country is about the rights of INDIVIDUALS..and that alone
differentiates us from a democracy. Not to be a stickler, but there is
a major difference between a democracy and a Republic. Listen to your
Pledge of Allegiance..."and to the REPUBLIC" for which it stands. Need
I say more? Nah!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 5:55 AM
Subject: RE: DML: last Sniper Victim

This is getting way off topic. But, I think I gotta put in my two cents
worth. We call ourselves a democracy, and we really are, at least
The electoral college has nothing to do with our being a republic
We originally wrote ourselves the Articles of Confederation which was
ratified and was replaced by the Constitution, ratified by a majority of
the states. Since the Constitution spells out who are to be our
rulers and lawmakers, and we hold free elections, we are considered to
be a
democratic representative republic.

Ray Irons
Dover, DE

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