I Wonder?

From: DakotaJohn (jkp61@horizonview.net)
Date: Fri Nov 08 2002 - 00:20:11 EST

   I wonder what it is that gets people on this list to respond to a posted
message.?! Is it the person that posts it, or the topic, or just that it was
there at the right time, or?. There are people on here that have helped me
and others, yet there are other posts that are completely ignored and I just
kind of wonder why. In a group that loves their trucks as much as we do you
wouldn't think there would be any bias as to who posted the message, but I
sometimes wonder. Since there are several posts that almost seem to take on
a life of their own, yet there are almost as many that sit there without no
one even seeming to notice that they were there. At first I wondered if it
was just mine, then as I paid more attention, I noticed that it could be
from anyone, didn't matter if they had been here a long time or had just
joined. It could even be a similar topic requiring a different answer and
one person would get several responses and the other person wouldn't even
get an answer back. Maybe it is just my ramblings and the problem that I pay
attention to things too much, but when you are in a group like this you
start to look at people as your friends, even if you have never met and when
you get ignored time and again, you wonder what, if anything, you did wrong
to deserve it. I have definitely received a lot of useful information from
this list and I want to say that I do appreciate it. I have also tried to
help when I could. So for the people that do reply to even the seemingly
stupidest message, Keep It Up! Thanks, John

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