Terrible Tom wrote:
> I dunno about anyone else - but in the last year or so I have noticed a
> large drop in group participation. Seems just the regulars are active
> anymore. The DML Meet report page shows this trend well. So far this
> year there was only one meet report posted! From 1999 to 2002 there was
> a steady drop in meet reports being posted.
> I'm not totally stupid here. I understand everyone has a personal and a
> family life to deal with. I myself am in the middle of packing up and
> sorting out 22 years worth of collected junk at this house I live in
> now, and moving up to Wisconsin. No small feat. So I am taking that
> into account. Not trying to offend anyone or start a flame war. Thats
> not why I joined the DML. I just dont want to se the DML fade away here
> folks!!
Tom, all things in life are cyclical. True, we seem to be in something
of a "slump" the last couple months, but we're heading into the depths
of winter for a lot of us (no racing, no 4-wheeling, no serious mods
without a lot of garage space) and the economy's not been great. Things
will pick back up, I assure you. We've slumped before.
As life changes, we have more or less time to spend with the DML. I
know that in a few months I'll probably be scarce for a little while
myself, but I'm hoping that by the time "serious" DML season rolls
around (June through September) I'll be back in the thick of things.
Plus, there's that other big thing that may be coming up I told you
about that may fire up my posting rate quite a bit.
I think meets are still happening, maybe just not as organized and
without reports being posted. I felt pretty bad that Mopars at the
Valley didn't come together this year as a meet but I know a lot of us
had other committments that just couldn't be broken. Such is life.
As long as we have dedicated, enthusiastic people hanging around, there
will be a DML.
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