That's all good info Bill.
The Adam Blaster
Two words, figure it out.....
>never know 'rope' to cut ppl in half.. makes a heel of a mark when snapped
>and can cause some damage, but with it not being as rigid as cable its
>never killed any that I know of..
>however while I was in the marines, I had my chance at vehicle recovery and
>had seen safety movies or cable being snapped and the damgae it can do..
>pretty... their example involved 1 ft dia. tree(not a big one, but
>certainly more stout then a person) they snapped a cable at its side and
>tree came down...
>So, best bet is get back in the cab if you have a choice.. pick a BIG tree
>to stand next to and keep every one a minimum distance away(minimum
>being the length and then some of the cable being used)
>now, vehicle recovery.. wanna be even safer, lower the load ratio on the
>cable, start with some snatch blocks and a tree... as in park 90 degrees
>from the vehicle your recovering... hook a snatch block to tree in front
>of both vehicles run cable through it and then begin procedure.. straigh
>pull is the most dangerous by far and those that dont believe it need to
>take a recovery class...
>Again, my $0.02 worth..
>Bill Day
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