I know you asked about Moapr. I have a Sports Master with snaps for 2 1/2
years now and it still looks new! I still have 2 1/2 years left on the
warranty! I have pictures of it on my web page.
-- *------------------------------Y2KOTA------------------------------* Don Mallett Y2K QC 4.7L Auto SLT+ http://Geocities.com/maldbnsf/ http://www.dakota-truck.net/profiles/dakota/QwkvWz@DAJFf6/profile.htm *-----I'm not late! It's that the rest of the world is early!!-----*http://FindFreedom.com/mallett
- -----Original Message-----
DML: Which soft tonneau
Sorry if this has been asked 100 times. I just started on the DML.
Which soft tonneau is better, snap or snapless? I'm referring to the Mopar ones.
Thank you.
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