I know it doesn't get that could here in TX ;-) But This is what I do if I
have a hard time snapping it. I'll Start at the cab side, snap the end
first, work from that end down both sides, For the very back by the tail
gate, Drop the gate, This part hard to put in words, But I think you'll get
it. Pull on the center part of the cover and push forward the center of the
cross bar and snap the center snap and work you way to the outer rails.
Hope that helps!
-- *------------------------------Y2KOTA------------------------------* Don Mallett Y2K QC 4.7L Auto SLT+ http://Geocities.com/maldbnsf/ http://www.dakota-truck.net/profiles/dakota/QwkvWz@DAJFf6/profile.htm *-----I'm not late! It's that the rest of the world is early!!-----*
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