Re: Bob Tom Scraps Dakota - Laws

From: Mike Gibbons (
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 10:46:43 EST

Dude, don't come on this list, call everyone who doesn't see it your way
"criminals and hillbillys" and then cry "I'm sick of this topic".
Personally, I think Jon and Wayne have stated their opinions effectively and
eloquently (especially Jon, good job, more people should post as well as
you) and managed to not insult anyone in the process. I agree with them. I
am neither a "criminal or hillbilly" and take offense to your inference that
I am. If it "has nothing to do with most of you", maybe you should've taken
it straight to the off-topic list, eh? Or maybe the 'Canadian Laws Mailing

Mike G.

> Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 19:30:15 -0500
> From: "Steve D" <>
> Subject: Re: DML: Bob Tom Scraps Dakota - Laws
> "Robert Schultz" <> wrote in message
> news:auql9q$2ob$
> >
> > Actually the analogy makes perfect sense. If the law passes, then
> up
> > at the mall with an NO2 equipped vehicle is about the same as taking the
> gun
> > there.
> Your point is??? Shotguns are designed for one purpose kill.
> That's all they were ever meant to do. Road cars are meant to be used for
> transportation. Race cars are meant for the track.
> > Yes street races occasionally kill people. So does inattention, poor
> > weather, poorly maintained cars and stupidity in general.
> Only one of those things has a hope of being legislated out of existence;
> street racing. Why is it so hard to understand that racing belogs at the
> track and the streets sre for everyone to use, safely. Your right to drive
> like a moron ends where the rights of others to go about their business
> without dying begins. It's not really a hard concept for most to
> Only the criminals and hillbillys.
> <snip>
> I'm sick of this topic. It has nothing to do with most of you. Forget it
> move on.

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