So im driving around testing my tps voltage adjustment and my 21k ohm
resistor on the IAT harness, minding my own buiseness, checking to see how
fast i could fly from lights, when i fly from a light and see a rather large
plastic brick that didnt become a small spot in the distance.
This plastic brick then drives into the lane next to me (he was behind, i
was on the right) and starts catching up. The light down the road turns red,
and we stop. So im like, "yeah, sure, lets go", and he starts edging
forward. I stand still, and he creeps about 1/2 car ahead of me.
The light turns green, and i lean into the pedal gradually, then to the
floor, and were off. At first we were neck and neck, which kinda
dissapointed me, thinking i could have taken him from the get-go, but
anyway, at about 40 i start pulling ahead. At 60 i had about 1/1/2 car
lengths on him, and decided to slow down.
I feel like the truck was straining there for a while to leave him behind,
with the money i recently put into it. A ported TB, IP proflo intake,
flowkooler WP, coil/cap/rotor/wires and some other miscellaneous stuff i
cant remember. Should i have left him farther behind?
The 4runner was brand new, the one with the plastic ring around it. looked a
2003. Dunno what engine was in there.
oh well, i won.
99 RC V6
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