My 98 had the switch go bad. Park lights would come on
but headlights wouldn't. If I remember right, it was
somewhat of a common problem. HTH
--- Bill Knight <> wrote:
> Have a 2K Durango blowing 15A Park Lamp fuse. This
> is labeled as "14" on
> the block. I have physically removed all parking
> lamps from the harness and
> the fuse still blows as soon as parking lamps are
> turned on. Have no
> illumination on the cluster either, or on the rear
> defroster button. All
> warning lights work, headlights work, fog lights
> work and so do the turn
> signals. Everything else appears to be functional.
> Just no parking lamps
> or clust illumination. I do have 12 volts on both
> sides of the blown fuse.
> So I know I definately have a dead short. My
> question is what are the
> chances of it being the lamp switch itself? If the
> chances are good I may
> just go with that a nd skip the dealer all together.
> I did get the extended
> warrenty but with my luck they will tell me it is
> not covered. I've only
> had the vehicle for about 6 weeks. Thanks for any
> and all help. Bill
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