RE: 92 dak 318 dead in driveway -- help!

From: will (
Date: Wed Mar 19 2003 - 15:53:43 EST

What is a red, yellow, or blue top battery? I called
two different Dodge dealers. They both said that truck
needs a 750 cold-cranking-amp battery! Dealer has them
branded Mopar mfg by Exide for $66-$77 depending on
which dealer.

If you know better where to get, and if I really don't
need 750 cold crank amps, please let me know. Thank
you all for replying so quickly. I think you all may
have solved the problem. At first, when it died on the
way home last week, I thought it was a trans problem.

We'll soon see...

Will in the sticks

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