RE: roadmaster suspension

From: Rick Barnes (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 07:07:50 EDT

Heck, I am going to order another RM for my son's chebby for his birthday,
too good of a deal to pass up.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 5:47 AM
Subject: RE: DML: roadmaster suspension

<snip>Hey Ray, Rascal, anyone else who has this installed, quick question
for you.
Did it raise the rearend at all? Thanks.

Not more than 1/2 inch if that. When its completely installed, you don't
really notice any difference in the height of the truck but you really
notice the difference in handling when you drive it. If I ever decide to
sell or trade in my truck for another one that takes the same install kit,
trust me, I'll be taking it off this one to install it on the new one. And
if by chance a future truck takes a different kit, I'll be ordering one
first thing.

Ray Irons
Dover, DE

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