Power Windows and Door Locks / Remote Entry

From: Conrad J. Koch (conrad1881@comcast.net)
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 10:21:10 EDT


I didn't get power windows and locks on my Dakota intending to add them
later for less money. Has anyone done this and if so, what kits did you
use? Or, does anyone know where I could find the OE pieces to assemble my
own? I guess I'd need just the door skins w/ switches and the internals
(motors, lock actuators, etc...), adding a keyless entry unit from an after
market vendor. Can a factory key fob be programmed for after market kits?

I've found a few kits that look pretty cost effective - totalling about
$300 for the whole kit and kaboodle - but figured I'd ask...

Thanks in advance!


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