They are just trying to jerk you around enough until you give up about it.
Stick by your guns.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Droo
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 11:27 AM
To: dml
Subject: DML: UPDATE: Business Console Issue
I had my salesman check up on getting the part and swapping it out, but
he said it wasn't possible. I then suggested that we switch it out with
one on the lot. He kind of freaks out and says that they aren't
interchangeable etc etc. I pretty much told him he was full of shit and
that I wanted to speak to the GM. So I swing by there this morning, the
GM knew what my issue was. We go out into the lot and he checks out what
the armrest was like in my truck. I told him I wanted the business
console, etc etc. We go and compare the armrest in my truck with one on
the lot and (surprise! surprise!) they mount the same and there is no
difference. He says he is going to find out what the cost is in parts
and labor to order a business console and to switch it out so he can
talk to Chrysler about them paying for it. So it looks like I might be
getting what I ordered, but I won't find out until Tuesday. I'm not
quite sure what he plans to do if they refuse to pay, but I have no
intention of paying for it myself. So whoever it was that just ordered
their dak, beware! It's not going to come with the business console,a nd
it's going top be a hell of a time to get what you want. I'll let you
all know what finally happens with this.
-- -Droo Email:"Remember: No one has the right to touch you in your bathing suit area." -Jack
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