Michael Maskalans wrote:
>> http://www.dakota-truck.net/profiles/dmlevent/KbeC2Tqi89qs2/profile.htm
> thanks, dave.
> seeing as how it's only a 2 hour drive and I have both days off I can't
> see not showing up....
You're at UofR? Depending on how long it takes you to get to I-90, it's
less than 2 hours. I think it's only a little over 90 minutes from
Victor (which is where I'll be coming from). I'm not sure when I'll be
heading down that way yet; if I go Friday night or Saturday, we should
caravan and try to pick up Neil B who's in Pittsford.
> again, not knowing a thing, is there someone who won't see this anyway
> that I should mention this to, or should I just show up?
On the meet page you should find instructions on what to do (as I check
the page...woah, Bob & Susan are coming, as is Lora!? kickass!). I'm
sure Jon will see your post anyway and we always seem to have someone
show at random. Think about bringing a tent & sleeping bag; sounds like
we're going to have a full(er) house this year! I'll be bringing a
friend and hopefuly my fiancee as well.
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------- "Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine" -Bob Tom --------------------------------------------
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