Rancho Remote

From: Michael Maskalans (mike-lists@tepidcola.com)
Date: Thu Jun 26 2003 - 01:29:59 EDT

so I'm nearing the finishing stages on the 15 projects I'm working on
with my truck. that means that after getting things pulled through the
firewall yesterday I finally got my Rancho remote controls plumed. Of
course, I had leaks in my initial test.

two big ones on front from crinkled O-rings left on slow leak that I
can't hear or feel in front, so I need to get some soapy water out
there tomorrow or this weekend.

far more annoying is my LR shock - it's fitting isn't sealing against
the shock body. I pulled off the fitting, reseated the O-ring,
re-greased it and tightened it back down, but it still sprung a BIG
leak at about level 3. So I get to take that shock back off and see
what's wrong with it's mating surface.

Even having ridden around with all four on their softest settings, I
like my ride *so* much better. it's just far more consistent than what
I removed (shocking, I know, considering the condition of the rears -
see previous post. and ignore that bad pun).

and is it really true that no one here has anything to say about tranny
temp sensors? am I an odd man out here with a slushbox, or does no one
care how hot they're getting their tranny towing or doing doughnuts in
the mud or throwing roosters on the beach?

Michael Maskalans             <http://mike.tepidcola.com/>
Apple Campus Rep  -  ClassTech Consultant  -  Printer Tech
mobile.612.618.4652  campus.585.274.2246  fax.954.697.0487

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