Re: XM Radio

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Sat Jul 26 2003 - 13:05:50 EDT

On Sat, 26 Jul 2003 12:17:46 -0400,
(Droo) wrote:
>For those out there with XM Radios. I installed all my equipment last
>night. The antenna and the module. Everything seems to be hooked up
>properly. I can switch to the XM source on my head unit and it indicates
>"loading" when I do so. However when I tune to the preview channel I don't
>get anything. Any ideas? The tuner and head unit are made by Alpine and I
>have the Terk XM3 antenna. I havn't druven around to see if my signal is
>blocked yet.

That sounds like your antenna signal isn't getting to the XM receiver.
How long have you left it sitting like that? If you have a partially
obstructed view it can sometimes take a minute for it to wake up.
(Mine actually works perfectly well from inside of my garage with the
door closed)

"Loading" means that it's accessing (or trying to access) the
satellite signal. In theory, that means that everything is hooked up
properly to your XM receiver, since it's powering up and able to
communicate with your head unit. I'd try going somewhere that's
fairly open (i.e. a parking lot) and see if you can pick up the
preview signal then. If you can't, there's probably something wrong
with the antenna wiring or the antenna itself.

As a side, once you activate, it will take a good 15-30 minutes of
driving around with the XM tuner on to get the unit activated. (At
least that's how it was for me when I got my XM radio about a year and
a half ago)


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