On Friday, Aug 1, 2003, at 22:48 America/New_York, Tony Troidl wrote:
> I have developed a nasty squeel off the front brakes, dealer says not
> a
> warranty issue unless something is broken... $19.99 for a brake insp.
> and I
> already looked at them myself, plenty of pads left and rotors look
> fine,
> nothing sticking?
squealing doesn't always mean something is wrong. give some of that
quiet stop or brakquiet or whatever it's called a shot. I hear it
works wonders. as my knowledge of it's proper name shows, I don't know
from personal experience.
-- Michael Maskalans <http://mike.tepidcola.com/> Apple Campus Rep - ClassTech Consultant - Printer Tech mobile.612.618.4652 campus.585.274.2246 fax.954.697.0487
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