NYIRP this fall?

From: Michael Maskalans (mike-lists@tepidcola.com)
Date: Wed Oct 01 2003 - 00:42:34 EDT

On Tuesday, September 30, 2003, at 08:44 PM, andy levy wrote:

> Just promise you won't laugh at my runs.

hey - I was a first timer last weekend. I promise I won't give you or
anyone else any ration of hell I wouldn't anyway =)

Like someone had mentioned in the weeks before LeVa - too much is made
of first-time intimidation. I'd like to think I did pretty damn well
for a first timer, and even picked up on some stuff quick enough to
give some pointers to the other first timer who was there.

NYIRP's remaining schedule is:

wednesday night races
oct 1

GATES OPEN 5:30 pm - TIME TRIALS 6:00 pm - RACING 8:00 pm
$10 to race, $8 to watch

friday night T&T
oct 10
oct 17

GATES OPEN: 5:30 pm - Time Trial & Test from 6 pm to 10 pm*!!
*Test till 11 pm if over 100 cars
$12 to run, $10 to watch

tomorrow is out of the question for me... the 10th is better than the
17th, but either would work for me. hell, maybe both - it's $12!

who else wants to come go fast?

Michael Maskalans             <http://mike.tepidcola.com/>
ClassTech Consultant  -  ITS Printer Tech  -  ITS Lab Tech
mobile.612.618.4652  campus.585.274.2246  fax.954.697.0487

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