Re: New Mods/NewPics

Date: Sat Nov 15 2003 - 22:24:14 EST

("Craig Rash") writes:

> I was torn between the BFG's and the Yokos... tire rack had them rated about
> the same and for about $30 less each. I took a chance (having never seen
> them up close) and got the yokos. When they pulled the truck around I
> immediatly knew I made the right choice! I like 'em too. I just hope they
> last :-?
they aren't rated as highly in tread wear as some others, but even with
lighting them up every once in a while, my last set was on track for lasting
40k or so.

> One day at work I
> was walking to the truck and saw that someone had dismantle several old
> computer cabinets and the door was just what I was looking for. It's coated
> with a thick black paint and it's a nice sturdy metal screen. I cut it with
> a dremel. I went through 8 cutting wheels. I need to coat the edges with
> something. I believe they will rust. As cheesy as it sounds, I attached it
> with black nylon tie wraps, but the're almost invisible. The paint should
> hold up, it's pretty thick. It has a textured look to it.

awesome. even better having not had to deal with finishing them yourself. a
few dabs of primer ought to take care of the edges - paint on raw steel has a
way of not sticking in my experience. as for the wireties: what's better?
they're about the only fastener that doesn't rust <g> the black ones also
don't seem to suffer from sun rot or color changes.

Mike Maskalans

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