Re: DML 2004 Calendar Contributions

From: Richard A Pyburn (
Date: Sat Nov 22 2003 - 18:05:49 EST


May I suggest a picture of the late Ron Wong's beautiful Patriot Blue QC?
I think it would be a fitting tribute to Ron.

Richard in San Antonio
> Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 02:00:49 +0000 (UTC)
> From:
> Subject: Re: DML: DML 2004 Calendar Contributions
> "ronald bruce taylor,jr" <> wrote:
> : Jon-
> : Did you receive enough photo's for the Calendar voting page this
> year?
> : I also sent my own pictures in, and I just wondered if they made
> it up to
> : you?
> Yep, I got your pics, Ron; thanks!
> As far as the calendar goes though... No, I haven't yet
> received enough pics to put anything together. :-(
> So far, I have received submissions from the following folks:
> Ed Abrams
> Dave Downing
> Gary Hedlin
> Jim Knox
> Josh Battles
> Mike Maskalans
> Craig Rash
> Ron Taylor
> Terrible Tom
> Jason Woodruff
> Only 10 trucks, not a stellar turnout. :-( Obviously, with
> 12 months to fill, this presents something of a problem. ;-)
> Technically, the deadline was November 15th, but if there are
> other folks who have pictures they would like to submit, I
> am willing to extend this to be able to put together a
> calendar for 2004.
> So, if anyone out there has pics of your Dak which you would
> like considered for inclusion in the DML calendar, let me know!
> The preferred method is to send them via snail mail, but digital
> pics are ok as long as they are very high quality! (If you
> are not sure about your digital pics, e-mail them to me anyway
> and I will let you know if the resolution and quality is high
> enough to be able to print them on the calendar.)
> I am also in the process of putting together an MML calendar,
> so I can definitely keep busy with that for the next week or
> two, so what I will do is to put out a call for submissions
> and revisit this in a week or two; if I have enough we'll go
> ahead, otherwise we'll just have to skip 2004 I guess?
> If you are snail mailing your pics to me, please let me know
> via e-mail and send them to:
> Jon Steiger
> 836 King Road
> Forestville, NY 14062
> (USA)
> Oh, and if you already sent me pics via snail mail or e-mail
> and your name does not appear on the list above, please let me
> know and I'll see if I can figure out what happened and track
> down your pics!
> - --
> -Jon-
> .-- Jon Steiger ---- or
> --.
> | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota
> |
> | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD
> |
> `------------------------------------
> --'

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