mmm... catchup

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Thu Nov 27 2003 - 05:52:51 EST

No, I really do prefer cranberry sauce on my turkey, and gravy on my
stuffing, but I am indeed now once again caught up on the DML.

Of course since I had thanksgiving dinner on Tuesday, when all my family's
schedules were a bit more in line, I now have today to go see Master and
Commander again (all of you should see it) and work on the Dak (which I
really need a name for - especially once it's joined by the RC and possibly
a tow vehicle too).

I'm going to check out any possible vacuum leaks in the HVAC system since a
thread over the last few days reminded me where to check for those most
commonly (thanks, Bernd!)

...and see if I can get a centre console built. It looks like the
fibreboard that I'll need for the top curve has gone AWOL on me, though, so
I may have to put that off further yet. I also just last night thought of
the additional headache of needing to relocate my power distribution centre
to maintain access to it's fuses after I get the console installed. That'll
be a definite headache.... In any case I should at least be able to get the
sides cut, which are what would suck the most to do at school. That's a

Without further messages, probably until I get back to Rochester, I bid you
all a happy American thanksgiving, and a good morning <g>

Mike, going to bed far to late for his schedule's good.

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